Monday, March 23, 2015

Lucky, not lucky

I always go through times that are pretty difficult. But once I go conquer them, I render them insignificant. Because of this I cannot recall a horrible time. I mainly focus on the present, not putting any thought on the past, and some thought in the future. Only one thing that is depressing is the death of my mother. She died when I was 7, and have faint memories of her. Since i can't remember her, I'm not sad about it. People that find out usually say, "Ohh I'm sorry." or "My bad for bringing her up.", but I never knew who she really was, so I don't mind. But when I do still back and think about her and how my life would've been if i grew up with a mom, I get mad because I can't remember her. People should be glad they still have their mothers, while cancer has taken away mine. Even though I have a talent of forgiving and forgetting, I can't help thinking of an alternative life.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015